1:1 Coaching

with Heather Gidusko.

Helping women of every age look and feel great.

You are worthy of living a healthy and well life on your own terms! I will help you find your health and wellness and never lose it again!

Choose from Fitness Training, Life Coaching, Exercise Prescription or I can tailor a program to suit your needs. You can have the life you know you were meant to live, and it all starts with this first step: let's talk!

Fitness and Wellness Coaching Offerings

Exercise Prescription

Get a new sizzle to your workouts with a plan that suits your needs. After meeting with you,I will design a program that you can follow on your own which will have you working harder and achieving your goals faster! 2 sessions will be needed to complete your exercise prescription.

Corporate Wellness

I provide group and personalized wellness trainings virtually as well as in person. Here are a few of my offerings: Desk Stretch, Mid-Day Mindfulness, Cultivating a Superstar Mindset, Healthy Eating. Visit my speaking page as well for more offerings.

Personal Fitness

I provide Personable Personal Training!

We will work to build strength and confidence in each session utalizing multiple fitness pieces of equipment while having fun & reaching your goals.
Sessions can be via Virtual or in person at my home or *yours.

Athlete Conditioning

As a former athlete and coach I know the winning formula that is needed for girls& women who want to excel in their sport of choice! I use speed training, strength and conditioning along with building mental resilency and a growth mindset. Expect to work hard and push the limits!






With over 20 years in the wellness industry I look forward to helping you in your journey! I do not offer cookie cutter programs, I work with YOU the individual and help you become the best YOU that you want to become! Not sure which program is best for you - let's have a converstation and disccus your needs and concerns! I look forward to hearing from you!!!


I can't wait to hear from you! Together we will find a coaching program that works for you! Have you purchased the book yet? What are you waiting for girl! Get inspired and motivated to take daily action in your life and shine like a SUPERSTAR!!!! Let's Goooooo!

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